Finding High-Potential New Leads to Grow Your Customer Base

Finding new customers who might be interested in your products or services is an important job for any sales team. In this article, we’ll explore how to do that.

What is a Lead?

Leads are potential buyers who have shown interest or might be interested in your products or services. This interest can come in many ways, like clicking on an ad, visiting your website, or stopping by your booth at a trade show. The sales team’s job is to find and focus on leads that have the highest potential.

You Already Have Customers. Why Look for New Leads?

Getting new customers can be expensive. It’s often easier and cheaper to sell to existing customers because they already trust you and you know what they need. That’s why many companies try to sell more to their current customers rather than always looking for new ones.

While it’s great to focus on existing customers, it can also be risky to rely only on them too much. Over time, regular customers might start buying from other companies, their business could slow down, or the person you deal with might leave. This can lead to fewer sales.

Finding new leads regularly can help keep your sales up, even when your existing customers aren’t buying more.

Ways to Find New Leads

There are two main ways to find leads:

  • Inbound: This means leads come to you. For example, people who visit your store or ask about your products are inbound leads.
  • Outbound: This is when you look for potential leads based on certain factors. For instance, a bed seller might make a list of decorators who work on hotels under construction and reach out to them one by one.

In both cases, the goal is to find new people you can build a sales relationship with.

Finding the Best Leads

Not all leads are equally valuable. For a successful sales process, you need to work with qualified leads—those who are most likely to buy. Focusing on qualified leads saves time and resources, which improves sales and marketing success.

To check the qualifications of leads, you should first decide what makes a lead high-potential, and then evaluate all leads based on these features.
This usually happens during short meetings between your business development representatives and the leads. During these conversations, your representatives try to find answers to questions like:

  • Is this person involved in making buying decisions?
  • Do our products or services meet this lead’s needs?
  • What is their timeframe? When do they plan to buy?
  • Do they have the budget? Can they afford what we sell?

Qualified leads are those who match well with these criteria. The important thing is not how many leads you get, but how many qualified leads you get and how cost-effective it is to get them. For this, a well-organized and easy-to-track process is extremely important.

How TeamGram CRM Can Help

TeamGram CRM is great for managing leads. It helps gather leads in one place and makes it easy to evaluate them and convert qualified leads into sales opportunities. It also makes sure the whole process runs smoothly and provides useful data for important decisions, especially for managing marketing.

Getting More Qualified Leads for Less

Marketing strategies should focus on getting qualified leads. Since not all leads are equally valuable, it’s important to figure out which ones are the most promising and how much it costs to get them.

TeamGram CRM keeps track of where each lead came from, so you can easily see which marketing channels bring in the best leads.

With this information, you can plan your marketing budget better and predict how many qualified leads you can get from different channels.


Finding new leads is an essential part of keeping your sales strong. TeamGram CRM makes it easier to manage leads, helping your sales team consistently get high-potential leads while providing valuable insights to optimize your marketing spend.

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