
Boost Your Sales Efficiency with Email Automation

In the fast-paced world of sales, every minute counts. Sales teams are often juggling multiple tasks—from prospecting and lead nurturing to closing deals and maintaining customer relationships. With so much on their plates, it’s easy for important follow-ups and communications to be delayed or even forgotten.
This is where the Email Automation feature in TeamGram CRM steps in, ensuring that critical communications happen on time, every time, freeing up your sales team to focus on what they do best: selling.

How To Create A Sales Plan

Strong ego, charisma, unrealistic promises, and overly extroverted personalities are common stereotypes about salespeople.

In reality, successful salespeople are far more analytical and strategic than people give them credit for. They will seldom shoot in the dark. They always have a plan. In this case, a sales plan.

How to Identify Your Ideal Customer Profile?

Every salesperson understands that during lead qualification they need to decide whether there is a customer-product fit or not. But not all businesses have well-defined parameters for checking whether there is a

The importance of Story-telling in Sales

Storytelling is the art of engaging, educating and getting your customer excited enough to listen to you in a chaotic environment with a wide variety to choose from. It is not used